The widget costs $0.99, which is the same price as Cycloramic. The tweak works with varying accuracy, depending upon your choice of the surface. Like Cycloramic, Autopano for Notification Center only works with iPhone 5. Make sure that you manage to accomplish all this within the period you configured earlier. When you have everything in place, tap the leftmost button located in the Autopano widget, launch the camera app of your choice, and place the device on a flat surface. This period can be five seconds, ten seconds or fifteen seconds. To make sure users get ample time to launch a panorama-capable app and initiate a session, Autopano lets you choose a delay period before which the vibrations don’t start. It is possible to capture both 180-degree as well as 360-degree panoramas using Autopano, and this choice can be made using the two buttons available in the left half of the widget. Once you see it in the Notification Center, you’ll notice that the widget is divided into two main parts. Like all NC widgets, Autopano has to be manually enabled from the Notifications section of the stock Settings app.

To make sure that Autopano remains readily available across the entire OS, the developer has made it into a Notification Center add-on. Autopano for Notification Center makes an iPhone 5 vibrate just like Cycloramic, but it lets you use these vibrations with any panorama app of your choice.

Thanks to a new Cydia tweak, users can now capture hands-free panoramas with any app they want. Though Cycloramic has a camera of its own, and many people are partial to the stock Camera app’s panorama mode, or prefer another third-party app for this purpose. It lets you capture panoramas without having to exert any effort at all, as all you have to do is place the device on a flat surface, and let the app work its magic using certain vibration patterns. Cycloramic has been one of the most popular apps among users of iPhone 5. Cycloramic and Wave&Pose are two fine examples of apps that deal with photography in a novel way that is both entertaining and useful. Any iOS app that interacts with the user’s surroundings in some way is sure to garner appreciation.